
Program Competencies



1. Definitions of theoretical and applied knowledge-based concepts in the social, biological, and medical sciences at the level required by the nutrition and dietetics profession.

2. Recognizes superior theoretical and practical understanding in the areas of dietetics, community nutrition, and nutritional sciences.

3. Evaluates the nutritional status of community members, both healthy and ill, and provides the best intervention possible based on the available data.

4. Raises awareness of appropriate, balanced, and nutritious eating for the individual, family, and society as a whole.

5. Effectively uses the equipment and information technologies required in professional applications.

6. Collaborating with professionals and non-experts to discuss ideas for solutions to concerns in the sector.

7. They renew themselves professionally with lifelong learning awareness.

8. Fulfills duties, rights and responsibilities in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics in accordance with professional ethics rules and legal legislation.

9. Develops strategies and policies that will encourage the individual, family and society to consider the nutritional status of healthy and safe nutrition.

10. Conducts experiments, projects, and research by choosing the appropriate research method related to the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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